Sunday, May 07, 2006

The Fool

-The Fool is numbered zero in most Tarot packs. -The Fool agrees with Jung that the I Ching works, but doesn't understand why. -The Fool grasps a doorhandle and thinks of Sartre. -The Fool hears Billy Holiday sing, then listens to the Gods weep. -The Fool cherishes Abhinavagupta's dictum that God is 'unobjectified desire'. -The Fool sees a flock of geese, then remembers the death of Sibelius. -The Fool loves conspiracy theories. -The Fool sees a light at the top of the hill, then watches for an on-coming truck. -The Fool admires the cunning of Themistocles at Salamis. -The Fool heard the Shiva Sutras were discovered carved into a Himalayan rock. -The Fool thinks consciousness a function of an evolving universe. -The Fool thinks criticism should be constructive, not gratuitous. -The Fool detests hypocrisy. -The Fool IS a hypocrite. -The Fool partly agrees with Reich, sexual repression is a major cause of psycho-social ills. -The Fool read Anna Karenina sitting by a desert lake, looked up and fell back 20 million years. -The Fool thinks it better to be spontaneously generous than calculatedly kind. -The Fool believes art is a message to other artists. -The Fool does not think science equals truth. -The Fool argues art is more significant than science. -The Fool thinks that after Mandelbrot maths is fractaled in chaos. -The Fool thinks being rational is different to being reasonable. -The Fool thinks pedants are a pain in the arse. -The Fool sees beauty, then knows love is more than a chemical reaction. -The Fool agrees with Heraclitus, everything moves. -The Fool thinks Vivaldis' concerto for guitar in D minor is astonishingly beautiful. -The Fool occasionally suffers from compassion fatigue. -The Fool believes Descartes was one of the hidden council of the Rosicrucians. -The Fool climbed a Kabbalah tree. -The Fool thinks humans are different to other animals. -The Fool thinks other animals are human too. -The Fool delights in paradox. -The Fool appreciates Escher. -The Fool wonders whether politicians are truly human. -The Fool could rave on forever. -The Fool knows nothing. -The Fool is wrong! (c) Tony Foley 1991, 2006 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like it - great little poem, v thoughtful - has the added benefit of making want to go check out Reich and Themistocoles